More than 1600+ people from all around the world signed up for the Brain-Computer Interfaces 101 global series. The events took place during May 5−21 2020, 3 weeks in a row, 3 days each week. Companies like Emotiv, g.tec, OpenBCI, BitBrain, Neurable, Cognixion, Aether Biomedical, Neurotrend and many others shared their ideas and visions on the current state of Brain-Computer Interfaces and the future of this field. Audience from more than 50+ countries watched the series live, asked many interesting questions and participated in the online polls.
Representatives from Emotiv, g.tec, OpenBCI and NeuroTechX discuss:
Dr. Mikhail Lebedev from Higher School of Economics gives a presentation about:
Discussion between Yuri Kotelevtsev (CNBR, Skoltech),
Vasily Klucharev (Head of the Institute for Cognitive Sciences, NRU HSE), Artur Biktimirov (Neurosurgeon, Far East Federal University)
Timur Bergaliev (Neuronet, MIPT, Bitronics Lab), Luiza Kirasirova (BCI Samara) on:
Dr. Fabien Lotte, from INRIA, France and Liza Okorokova from University of Chicago discuss:
Creators of OpenVIBE, Resonance and BrainDecode discuss:
David Haslacher (Germany, Clinical Neurotechnology Lab) conducts an online mini-workshop on decoding brain activity from raw EEG signals. Topics include:
Representatives from BitBrain, Neurosity and ICIBCI discuss:
Representatives from Cognixion, Neurotrend and Impulse Neiry discuss:
Representatives from Aether Biomedical, Neurable and Mind Affect discuss:
Do you want to follow the future events? We invite you to join our NeuroTechX community, because it has 4400+ people and the number continues to grow, especially over the last few months. We have a Slack where people from all over the world discuss the last news in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnology, share ideas, help with questions, organize meetings, form new groups, and startups… the list goes on! Welcome 🙂